
  1. Teichmüller space and the mapping class group of the twice punctured torus, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 73, 4, (2021), 1221-1252.
  2. (with A. Ushijima) Existence of exceptional points for Fuchsian groups of finite coarea, Conformal Geometry and Dynamics of the American Mathematical Society, 24. 8. (2020)
  3. (with G. Nakamura) Generation of finite subgroups of the mapping class of genus 2 surface by Dehn twists, J. Pure and Applid Algebra, 222, (2018), 3585-3594
  4. (with G. Nakamura) Parametrizations of Teichmüller spaces by trace functions and action of mapping class groups. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 20 (2016), 25–42.
  5. Trace identities for parabolic elements in SL(2, C), II, in Analysis and Geometry of Discrete Groups and Hyperblic Spaces, RIMS Kokyuroku, Bessatsu B48, (2014), 149-158.
  6. (with M. Naatanen) Complex lambda length as parameter for SL(2, C) representation space of punctured surface groups, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, DOI 10.1007/s40315-014-0077-8, 2014.
  7. An infinite product associated to a hyperbolic three-holed sphere, Hiroshima Math. J., 44 (2014), 157-172.
  8. (with G. Nakamura) Trace parameters for Teichmuller space of genus 2 surfaces and mapping class group, Annales Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin, Polonia, Sectio A, 26 (2013), 35-44.
  9. (with G. Nakamura) Parametrizations of some Teichmuller spaces by trace functions, Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, 17 (2013), 47-57.
  10. A series associated to generating pairs of a once punctured torus group and a proof of McShane's identity, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 41 (2011), 11-25.
  11. An application of Penner's coordinates of Teichmuller space of puncture surfaces, in Infinite dimensional Teichmuller spaces and moduli spaces, RIMS Kokyuroku, Bessatsu B17, (2010), 105-114.
  12. A trace identity for parabolic elements of SL(2, C), Kodai Mathematical Journal 30 (2007), 1-18.
  13. (with Marjatta Naatanen) Complexification of Lambda Length as Parameter for SL(2, C) Representation Space of Punctured Surface Groups, J. London Math. Soc. 70 (2004), 383-404.
  14. (with M. Naatanen) Areas of Two-dimensional Moduli Spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 129(2001), 3241-3252.
  15. (with M. Naatanen and G. Rosenberger) Arithmetic Fuchsian groups of signature $(0;e_1,e_2,e_3,e_4)$ with $2 \leq e_1 \leq e_2 \leq e_3$, $e_4 = infty$, in Complex Geometry of Groups (edited by A. Carocca et al), Contemporary Mathematics, vol.240, 1999.
  16. (with Marjatta Naatanen) Weil-Petersson areas of the moduli space of tori, Results in Mathematics, 33 (1998) 120-133
  17. (with Marjatta Naatanen) Parametrization of Teichmuller space by length parameters, in Analysis and Topology (C.Andreian-Cazacu, O. Lehto and Th. M. Rassias, eds.) WorldScientific, Singapore, 541-560. 1998.
  18. (with Marjatta Naatanen) The Teichmuller space of a pu nctured surface represented as a real algebraic space, Michigan Math. J., 42 (1995) 235-258
  19. (with J. A. Velling) A sufficient conditon for Teichmuller space to have the smallest possible inner radii, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. A I Math. 18 (1993) 13-21.
  20. (with J. A. Velling) On inner radii of Teichmuller spaces, in Prospects in Complex Geometry (J. Noguchi and T. Ohsawa eds.) Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1468 (1991) 115-126.
  21. The lengths of the closed geodesics on a Riemann surface with a self-intersections, Tohoku Math. J. 41(1989) 527-541.
  22. The inner radii of finite-dimensional Teichmuller spaces, Tohoku Math. J. 41(1989) 679-688.
  23. (with Hiro-o Yamamoto) On the outradius of the Teichmuller space, Comment. Math. Helvet. 64 (1989) 288-299.
  24. A remark on R. Moeckel's paper 'Geodesics on modular surfaces and continued fractions', Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 9 (1989) 511-514.
  25. A theorem on the outradii of Teichmuller spaces, J. Math. Soc. Japan 40 (1988) 1-8.
  26. On P. J. Myrberg's approximation theorem for some Kleinian groups, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 25 (1985) 405-419.


  1. 複素数と円の幾何, 数学通信, 第24巻第4号, 日本数学会, 2020年,5-15
  2. Maryam Mirzakhani 氏の業績, 数学, 第68巻1号, 日本数学会, 2016年, 60-65
  3. (with Marjatta Naatanen) 穴あき曲面群の SL(2,C) 表現とトレース恒等式, 数理解析研究所講究録1329 双曲空間に関連する研究とその展望 2003年 72-83
  4. (大竹博巳氏との共著) Quasiregular 写像の基礎, 平成8年度文部省科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(1)「複素多様体と複素解析の研究」(課題番号 07304063 代表者静岡大学理学部佐藤宏樹)による研究集会資料、1996
  5. (with Marjatta Naatanen) Length parameters for Teichmuller space of punctured surfaces, 数理解析研究所講究録882 双曲的 3次元多様体の複素解析 1994年 57-69





